Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Policy

Microchannel Devices S.r.l. (µCD) has as its primary objective to produce using the most advanced technologies and the best resources to fully meet the customer's expectations in compliance with environmental protection, health and safety of workers.


The Management promotes the culture of Quality through the commitment of all those who work in the company and for the company. This requires that everyone is involved and is aware of its role and responsibilities in achieving the objectives of quality and continuous improvement and through the application of the reference standard (ISO 9001: 2015).


The Management intends to achieve the corporate certification of the application of environmental and safety regulations according to ISO 14000: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2015.



To achieve this goal, MCD has defined the following points:

1. Quality System

Maintain a Certified Company Quality System, according to the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 Standard and ensure that any future regulatory revisions are implemented.

2. Quality and Improvement

Perform an activity of continuous quality improvement by defining methods, programs and indicators to optimize production processes through the constant investment of resources.

3. Customer satisfaction

MCD constantly monitor the degree of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in order to improve the quality perceived externally, prevent complaints and respect the delivery terms, delivering to the customer a product and a high value service.

4. Global quality control

Check the errors committed by third parties, through a system of control of the suppliers' operations and of the quality of supplies and the continuous awareness of Suppliers on the Company Quality Policy.

5. Growth and participation of staff

Improve the skills and involvement of the Company's Human Resources by encouraging participation and sharing of the Quality objectives through training, supervision and effective communication.

Quality creates reputation and reliability.

MCD requires the commitment of all participants in the Value Chain to ensure that the Quality Policy is implemented, and divulged.

The company management promotes the Quality Policy and ensures that the quality policy is assimilated and shared at all levels of the organization.

MCD believes that working in conditions of safety, health and respect for the environment is essential to increase the company's motivation, productivity and reputation.


Health and Safety

A safe and healthy workplace is a fundamental right for each of us and also a business imperative. MCD is committed to keeping the workplace efficient and productive through the introduction of rules and procedures aimed at minimizing the risk of accidents, injuries and exposure to health hazards for all staff and all employees. Employees are regularly educated and trained on safety and health.



MCD is constantly committed to conducting all its activities in respect of the environment and sustainable development. The activity is conducted in compliance with environmental legislation and codes of good practice. We are committed to: reduce pollution, emissions, and waste, use energy and water efficiently, minimize noise and recycle materials. Respect for the environment is a duty of everyone and everyone is involved and accountable.


Ethical behaviour

Since its foundation, MCD has believed in acting ethically as a fundamental prerequisite for achieving corporate goals. The company adopts and encourages ethical behaviour as a testimony of a daily activity consistent with the principles of honesty, fairness and respect which are the guiding values of those who work and collaborate with our Company. Aware of the commitment necessary to carry out this project, the Management is committed to be a promoter of every activity in this regard, with the task of ensuring compliance with the integrated management systems and managing their evolution and updating.


Social responsibility

MCD promotes respect for the physical and cultural integrity of the person and undertakes to avoid discrimination based on age, sex, sexuality, state of health, race, nationality, political opinions and religious beliefs; the Company considers fundamental, among other things,

• respect the rights of people by protecting their moral integrity and guaranteeing equal opportunities

• foster corporate culture and operating methods aimed at obtaining organizational well-being in internal and external work relations

• ensure consistent conditions with the terms of the contract and the level of organizational responsibility of each employee

• favor work rates with the personal and family needs of employees

• to sanction behaviors aimed at violating the dignity of the individual, with particular reference to sexual harassment, mobbing and discrimination.


The Management of Microchannel Devices intends to maintain this integrated policy at all levels.

PQA-MCD Ed. 02 - 13/04/2022